All posts by O. J. Toks

About O. J. Toks

O. J. Toks is a husband, son, brother, minister, speaker, Christian Inspirational Hip Hop Artist, Producer and author of Rejected for a Purpose: How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your Destiny. He has written for Essence Magazine, been a guest on 89.3 KSBJ, and is the president and founder of O. J. Toks Ministries, which presents While You Are Single, an online ministry for Single Adults. He loves to play soccer, listen and dance to music, and watch movies. His mission is to inform and inspire people to find and fulfill God's purpose in every aspect of their lives.

Overcoming Rejection

Rejection is something we all find difficult to deal with. If we had our way, we would avoid it altogether. Unfortunately being told “no,” being refused, overlooked, ignored, passed over or being unwanted is something we ALL face, or will face in life. When this happens we often think it signifies that something is wrong with us. To the contrary!

Hear this: Being rejected does not necessarily mean something is wrong with you. It usually means, something or someone is wrong FOR you. Find out more in the video below.

How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your Destiny

What’s His or Her Problem?

Much of the conflicts that arise between men and women can be traced to their differences from each other. Instead of understanding and embracing our differences, we undermine and belittle them. Men say women are the problem. Women say men are the problem. And when both point fingers at each other without realizing that their differences on how they see the world, relationships and so much more, is at the center of their conflict, we end up with a BIGGER problem. Find out more in the video below. Feel free to share.