Category Archives: Inspirational

Who Moved My Cheesecake?

How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your DestinyI eagerly awaited dessert, which were assortments of cheesecakes, after I devoured the main course of a banquet I attended not too long ago. Despite the variety of cheesecakes, I was disappointed that I was served a plain old-fashioned cheesecake topped with a dab of caramel. I secretly coveted the chocolate flavored cheesecake that was flirting with the imagination of my taste buds, posing on the saucer placed before the lady sitting beside me. I wished they had given me her cheesecake; but I kept the thought to myself. However, the lady sitting beside me didn’t keep her thoughts to herself.

To my surprise and delight, she asked me if I wouldn’t mind switching cheesecakes with her. I gladly gave her my boring cheesecake and received her chocolate flavored cheesecake with open mouth…oops, I mean, with open arms. I was elated; not just because I received the dessert I desired, but because a truth I had learned about rejection was reinforced. We are like the cheesecakes. Someone may not want you, but someone else does.

As unappealing as the cheesecake originally placed before me was to me, the lady beside me desired it in the expense of the one that she was served. She rejected the chocolate flavored cheesecake in favor of the cheesecake with a hint of caramel. The dessert I refused ended up with her, and the one she refused ended up with me. We were both happy and fulfilled; and so were the cheesecakes per se. It was a win-win for us and the cheesecakes.

Likewise, as unappealing as you might be to someone, there is someone else praying to have you in his or her life. Make no mistake about it, one company may not want you, but there is another that craves your services. Your team might not value what you bring to the table, but there is another that will deem your talents invaluable.

Rejection is a vehicle that drives you from someone who thinks that you’re useless to someone else who perceives your usefulness. It’s a bridge that takes you from people who treat you as worthless to others who’ll see you as worthwhile. Being rejected is not the end of your life; it’s just a means to an end for your life. That end is your destiny. Despite this truth, instead of allowing rejection to help them reach this end, too many people get upended by it.

How you respond to rejection will determine if it’s an asset or a liability. Responding the right way to being overlooked will help you reach your end; your destiny. Responding the wrong way will destine you to be ended; offended, dejected and depressed, just to mention a few. The first step to dealing with rejection and getting a great deal out of it is by forgiving the person that rejected you, and understanding that God uses rejection for your benefit and not for your detriment.

What was meant to harm you, God uses to arm you. What was meant for evil, God uses for your good. Armed with this knowledge, have faith that God is closing that door to redirect you to a better door; one that leads you to your destiny. And if you are like that chocolate flavored cheesecake, that destiny is my gut. The next time someone turns you down, simply respond by saying “cheese.” In other words, smile, as you know that God is using the rejection to stir you to another person, another project, or another place better for you.

Rejected for a Purpose Part 5

How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your DestinyFor the past few weeks I have been discussing how God uses rejection as a vehicle to help us find and fulfill our destinies. From biblical times to the 21st century, the list is endless of individuals who, through rejection fulfilled their dreams, achieved unprecedented success and made history. Take for instance Mary McLeod Bethune. After graduating from the Moody Bible Institute, her desire was to be a missionary in Africa. However, she was informed that African Americans were disallowed from holding such positions.

Consequently, Bethune became an educator. She was an instructor for a few years and in October of 1904, after seeing a need for the education of African American girls she established the Daytona Literary and Industrial School for Training Negro Girls. In 1923, this school later merged with Cookman Institute of Jacksonville, Florida; a school for boys. Today the merged school is known as the Bethune-Cookman University. Who would have thought that being denied the opportunity to be a missionary in Africa would have redirected Bethune to be a school pioneer and college president in 1942, where she was the trustee until she passed in 1955?

Bethune went on to achieve a litany of other noteworthy and groundbreaking accomplishments; one of which was being appointed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, as special adviser of minority affairs and director of African American affairs in the National Youth Administration.[1]

William Kamkwamba is another prime example of someone who was projected to success through rejection. Born in Malawi, at fourteen years old a famine struck his homeland, and caused widespread death and devastation, so much so that his father could no longer afford to pay his school tuition. Consequently he had to drop out. In essence, his inability to pay his school fees forced him to be a school reject.

Notwithstanding, Kamkwamba refused to let this setback impede his education. He began to visit a local library where he found a worn-out British Science book. Barely able to speak English, he used this book to teach himself elementary physics mainly by studying diagrams and photos. Another book, the cover of which he saw the picture of a windmill, inspired him to build himself a windmill. Despite the daunting task of building a windmill, and being ridiculed and called crazy by his people, Kamkwamba was determined to fulfill his dream.

He searched scrap yards and found junk like old tractor fans, shock absorbers, plastic pipe, and bicycle parts. These parts became the components of the machine he needed to generate electricity and water his father’s farm. These parts were rejects; scrap tossed away by others. He embraced other people’s trash as his treasure. He worked on his improvisations, and with his first machine generated 12 volts of electricity that powered 4 lights. Another machine he built irrigated a family farm.

This genius, once ridiculed by some in Malawi became revered by others around the world. His exploits caused the world to take notice and have him travel around to share his remarkable story, which is chronicled in the book he co-wrote with Bryan Mealer, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.[2]

The remarkable story of Joseph in the Bible puts a stamp on how rejection is a catalyst for success. It was very significant that he was stripped twice prior to assuming his leadership role in Egypt. The way an individual was dressed, especially in the Old Testament was very telling. How a person was dressed signified the individual’s calling. Priests dressed a certain way to show that they were priests. Kings dressed a certain way to show that they were kings. Prophets dressed a certain way to show that they were prophets.

When we are not properly “dressed,” God uses rejection to undress us from who we are not in order to dress us into who we are. Is it any wonder that Joseph’s brothers stripped him of the special coat his father made for him (Genesis 37:23)? In a sense the coat signified that he was the apple of his father’s eye. Even so, that was not his calling in his heavenly father’s eye. Hence the necessity for him to go through the rejection from his brothers, which stripped him of the attire. Their rejection further facilitated his movement to the environment where he was to fulfill his call.

Joseph ends up in Potiphar’s house, and in an attempt to resist Potiphar’s wife’s seduction, he absolves himself of his garment, which represents his call to serve Potiphar (Genesis 39:12). Again, that was not God’s calling on his life. He eventually ended up in the position God ordained for him. And this was signified by Pharaoh dressing him up with robes of linen; the attire for the ruler of Egypt, second to Pharaoh (Genesis 41:42). In essence, God uses rejection to strip you off from who you aren’t, in order to strap you on with who you are.

[1]Mary McLeod Bethune. (accessed August 29, 2010).

[2]The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. (accessed August 29, 2010).

Rejected for a Purpose Part 4

William Parham, a former Methodist minister is recognized by 20th century Pentecostals as the father of the “classical Pentecostal doctrine.” Unfortunately, his teachings did not gain wide acceptance, initially. In 1905, he moved his headquarters to Houston, Texas and founded “The Bible Training School.” That was where he met and taught William J. Seymour, a black evangelist from Louisiana.

Seymour embraced Parham’s Pentecostal teaching. In the winter of 1906, Seymour was recruited to be the pastor of a storefront church in Los Angeles, California. He accepted the offer and journeyed by train to assume his new pastorate. Seymour preached just a few sermons before he found himself locked out by his congregation. His members were not ready to accept his doctrine of Spirit baptism. He was rejected.

Homeless and jobless, Seymour was given a temporary shelter, and he dedicated himself to a time of intense prayer. Later on a family invited him to stay in their home. They also persuaded him to hold services in their abode. His messages were received so much so that he drew a large crowd to his services. They had to secure a new building to accommodate the onslaught of people who were coming to the services.

The building acquired was a former church building on 312 Azusa Street. The church was called the Apostolic Faith Mission, and they began their services in April, with Seymour as their pastor. In case the name of the street on which the church was located did not give you a hint, William J. Seymour was the catalyst behind the Azusa Street Revival. And rejection was the vehicle that navigated him to this accomplishment.

Seymour was rejected by a storefront church, and the rejection “re-ejected” him to be the pioneer of a 3 year revival characterized by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and a global Pentecostal movement whose impact is still resonating today. But how was Seymour able to get to this point? He was rejected.

People might hold you back from doing something, but God uses their hindrance to release you to fulfill His purpose for your life. The enemy will try to use rejection to set you back, but God uses it to set you free. Every time you hear people talk about the Azusa street revival, remember that the means through which that movement exploded, and the vehicle which ignited the man behind the explosion, is rejection (David W. Dorries, Spirit-Filled Christology (San Diego: Aventine Press, 2006), 260-263). 

There Is Someone Else Better For You

Recently, I had the privilege to watch clips of Pastor Joel Osteen’s Night of Hope event, which he held at the Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, California. During the event he called one of the worship leaders of his church, Da’dra Crawford Greathouse, to share an experience she had, which showed how God helped her out of a trying situation. Ms. Greathouse mentioned that, a few years ago, she was diagnosed with a condition called goiter.This condition occurs as a result of the swelling of the thyroid gland. This was devastating news, as this condition led to two huge growths on either side of her neck, close to her larynx or voice box. The prognosis was that the condition could cause her not to be able to sing. And even if she could still sing, she wouldn’t be able to sing as high and as low, within her normal vocal range. Worse still, the condition could lead to death.

Distraught about this discouraging news she sought out the help of a doctor. She was hoping this doctor would be able to perform the surgery necessary to remove the growths, in such a way that she could still sing; and sing within her normal range. The doctor told her that there was nothing he could do for her, and walked away. Disheartened, she went after the doctor, and asked if there was anyone he knew that could perform the surgery for her. The doctor told her that there was no one…and he walked away.

Ms. Greathouse was devastated. Nevertheless, she strengthened her resolve. She kept her head up, looking on to God for help. She pressed on. She did more research, and eventually found another doctor. She related her plight to this new doctor, who assured her that not only could he perform the surgery, but he could do it in such a way that she would be able to sing as high and as low as she normally did. The success of the surgery was very evident by the way she sang in the Dodger Stadium.

It turns out that the new doctor was experienced and successful with the kind of surgery that Ms Greathouse needed to resolve her condition. If I’m not mistaken, the doctor was also the one who devised the surgical technique required for the kind of operation she needed. He had been carrying out this procedure in, developing countries, where he served as a medical missionary. Ms. Greathouse’s experience reinforces a truth about how God uses rejection to help us.

God allows the wrong people to walk away from our lives, in order to make room for the right people to walk into our lives. With this in mind, I want to encourage you by letting you know that God will allow someone to turn you down in order to allow someone else to turn you on. Someone may have walked out on you. You may have lost on an opportunity. Your employment, house, spouse, significant other, connection, friend or family member may have “walked” away; but keep your head up. Have faith in God and expect Him to walk the right person, project, promotion, or property into your life.

The Blessing is Thinking About You, And on its Way to You

How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your DestinyFor two and a half years, Margaux Sky overworked herself at her Art Café and Bakery restaurant. She did all the cooking, filled all the orders, and did all the cleaning. Yet, she could barely make ends meet. Despite her good cooking and hard work, it seemed like her work was in vain. It wasn’t surprising that she decided to call it quits by selling her café.

On the day she planned to work for the last time, her sister, Mary, ordered some takeout lunch. Mary ordered the lunch for her husband, Tim, who was providing lunch for his boss. Margaux made what she thought were her last batch of curried chicken sandwiches, and added some salad and homemade chocolate fudge cake to the mix. She handed the takeout lunch to her sister, to give to her husband for the lunch meeting he had with his boss.

Later that night, Tim called Margaux to let her know that his boss barely took the first bite of her curried chicken sandwich before she fell in love with it. Tim had told his boss that she should enjoy the sandwich while she could because Margaux, his sister-in-law, would be closing shop the next day. On her way home, Tim’s boss couldn’t get her mind off the palatable sandwich and Margaux.

On the next day, at about 8am in the morning, just one hour before Margaux handed over the reins of her restaurant to a new owner, Margaux got a phone call. It was from her brother-in-law, Tim. He said that his boss was sending her a big check to hire help and stay open for business. Tim had received an email from his boss the night before. His boss told him that, “Anybody this good shouldn’t go out of business.” Tim’s boss was Oprah Winfrey.

Likewise, you might be like Margaux, before her big break. You might be faithful with what you have, maintaining the integrity and excellence of who you are, and diligent at what you do. Yet, it seems like no one notices you. It appears that no one is vying for your affection, soliciting your business, acknowledging your work, or appreciating your efforts. Make no mistake about it; God sees you. God appreciates you. And God will blow your mind.

He is not unjust to see your work and labor of love that you have shown toward Him. Keep being your best. Keep maintaining your integrity. Keep the diligence in your work. No one as good as you are, in your character and your work ethic, should go out of business…so to speak. Not having people fall over themselves to seek you out for your affection or your expertise is just God’s way of preserving you for the right person or investor.

Proverbs 22:29 says that a person who excels and is diligent in their work will not stand before unknown people. Hence the reason why some haven’t valued who you are, what you have, and what you do. The proverb goes on to say that such an individual would stand before kings or people of influence. There is someone of great influence looking for you. Someone who will be captivated by your gift, expertise, virtue or integrity. Someone who would invest in your work or your heart.

If you are a virtuous woman, you might not get a check in the mail, but you will be checked out by a male…the right man for you. If you are a man of valor, your gift will make room for you, either in the establishment of someone of prominence, or in the heart of the right woman for you. Keep being your best. God sees your work. He will reward you publicly for what you’ve been doing privately.

Rejected for a Purpose Part 1

It was around the beginning of 2003 when I first entertained the idea of moving to Houston, Texas from Richmond, Virginia. After much prayer and a series of incidents, I reached the conclusion that the relocation was something that God wanted me to do. Prior to moving to Houston, despite reasonable attempts to find a place to live, and a job to make ends meet, I was not able to secure a job and a place to stay in Houston, before I took the plunge.I didn’t let those setbacks hinder me from moving to Houston. I decided to pull an Abraham and go any way. When I lived in Virginia, I worked for a company in their IT department. It was a support role. After I moved to Houston, God provided a place to stay. I was unable to secure an IT position and ended up getting a job as an entry level unarmed security officer. While I was grateful that I landed a job, I was disappointed that it meant my income went down approximately $7700 per year.

I expected that moving to Houston in obedience to God’s direction would land me a better job, a better life, and usher me closer to His plan for my life. With the dip in income, I felt that the opposite was happening. Despite numerous attempts at finding IT jobs, I was not hired. I was rejected. I also applied for customer service jobs, data entry jobs, and other jobs but no one hired me. The only job I found was a security officer position. Thank God for security officers. I thanked God that I received a job. Notwithstanding, in the context of my previous job, experience, and income, the demotion only reinforced my feelings of rejection.

Despite the setbacks, I kept my faith and trust in God. God knew best, and I believed that my circumstance was necessary to prepare me for where He was taking me. 6 months after I began working as a security officer in a prestigious building in the downtown business district of Houston, the building management terminated my employer’s contract. They gave the protection of the building to another security company. Since the security company I worked for lost the contract, this meant that I was without a job in that building, and I was rejected again.

I still kept my faith. I still trusted God, believing that He was up to something great. Fortunately, the company I worked for had contracts in other buildings in the downtown area. They immediately transferred me to another building, which was just 2 blocks away from the building that I previously worked as a security officer. In my new building, I worked as a security officer for close to a year and a half. Meanwhile, I had applied to other jobs, but still no breaks. I felt like I was going to be an entry level unarmed security officer for a while.

One morning, seemingly out of the blue, I recieved a phone call. It was from a recruiter out in Arizona. She found my resume online and had an IT support position for me. I told her I was interested, and she set me up for an interview. After three interviews, I landed the job. Thank God! Remember that when I left Virginia, I lost close to $7700 in income per year? Well, when I landed the IT job, it gave me close to $7700 per year more than I earned in Virginia. But this is the kicker: the company that I was going to be working for as an IT support person, was right in the new building where I was providing security.

In essence, being rejected from the previous building was setup by God to position me in the new building, where I worked for a year and a half. So, for about 18 months, I was close to my breakthrough and did not even know it. I did not know that God didn’t just hold me back from those other jobs; He was holding me back for a specific job, in a specific place, at a specific time. He was keeping me in a particular place because He had something for me there.

I don’t know what kind of rejection you are facing. I don’t know who has ignored or overlooked you. I don’t know which companies have terminated your position. I don’t know how long you’ve been waiting on God to help you out with a job or a secret petition of your heart.

This I do know; your rejection is for a purpose. Keep your head up, be encouraged, and keep trusting God because He has something or someone better for you. When the time is right it will happen. Just don’t lose faith. Keep it, and walk in it. My experience has taught me that God uses your opposition to position you. He uses a setback as a setup.

Sometimes, God will hold you back in a certain spot. He will confine you to a certain area. He will hinder your progress to keep you in a certain place, so that when He drops the blessing…He won’t miss. God has targeted a blessing for a particular place. If God’s hindrances keep you in that place, guess what happens when the blessing hits its target? I’m sure you can use your imagination.


Rejected for a Purpose Part 2

How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your DestinyYou might be familiar with King Saul’s attacks against David. Saul was so intent on killing David that his attempts against David’s life caused David to seek asylum among the Philistines (1 Sam 27:1-2). David found favor with Achish, one of the Philistine commanders, and with Achish’s permission was able stay in an area of Philistine territory called Ziklag (1 Sam 27:6). The Philistines were gearing up to fight the Israelites and Achish invited David and his men to fight with them. David obliged (1 Sam 28:1-2). However, the other commanders of the Philistine army did not approve of David fighting with them. They feared that he would be a traitor, jeopardize their mission, and hand them over to the Israelites. So they rejected David from fighting with them (1 Sam 29).

David was disappointed but had no choice but to go back with his men to Ziklag. When they got back to Ziklag they found out that their homes had been raided and their families had been taken captive. David’s men were so distraught about the situation that they even considered stoning David. Despite the setback David encouraged himself and sought God. God gave him the green light to go after their families’ captors. David and his men went after them, caught up with them, defeated them, rescued their families and not only got back what was taken from his people, but also returned with their enemy’s possessions (1 Sam 30).

If we examine that story carefully we can learn some vital lessons about how God uses rejection to protect us. It was sad that David chose to live with the Philistines because of Saul’s attacks against him. Because of Saul’s rejection, not only did David choose to live with the enemy of his people, he was also willing to fight with the enemy against his people. The rejection he experienced from Saul caused him to make the enemy of his people his friend, and make his friend, his people, his enemy.

Unfortunately, that is sometimes the case with some people. Because of the rejection they experienced with the Sauls of their church, they’ve chosen to live their lives apart from God and befriended the Achish’s who are against God. Not only do some individuals who have succumbed to the bitterness of rejection left the Church to align with some who are against the Church, some have also chosen to fight against the church and its values. Interestingly, David was rejected from fighting with the Philistines. Other leaders of the Philistines who pulled more rank than Achish rejected David from fighting with them.

Despite David’s disappointment, the rejection enabled him and his men to get back to Ziklag on time to find out that their homes had been raided and their families had been captured. Had David not been rejected, he would have fought and killed his own people, and be way out of God’s will. He would have lost his family and his possessions, as it was likely that the people who captured them would have been long gone by the time they came back from war. He would have also lost the loyalty of his men, who would have probably killed him once they got back to find out that their families were gone and never to be recovered.

But because David was rejected, he was kept in God’s will by not fighting against His own people. He was kept in good standing with his men despite their brief but understandable anger against him. He was driven to seek God for direction, which helped them rescue their families, recover their possessions, and plunder their assailants. God gave them double for their trouble. Those were the purposes for which David was rejected. God does the same for us.

I acknowledge that sometimes we experience rejection from people of influence and leaders; whether in church, at home, at work, or in society. I also acknowledge that such attacks causes some of us to be offended so much so that we lose our faith, and begin not only to live apart from God, but live and hang out with the wrong crowd. If you are dealing with this predicament I want to encourage you not to respond that way. Even if you have, God can still get you back on track. Don’t be surprised if He uses the people that you’re not supposed to be hanging out with to accomplish this objective.

Just like God used rejection to protect, redirect and provide for David, God uses rejection for your protection, redirection and provision. He uses it to get you from fighting the wrong war to fighting the right war; the war for your faith, your family and His favor on your life. Even though the devil, the enemy, may have used the rejection of a friend, a leader, or a significant other to turn you away from God, God can use the rejection of an enemy, someone who is against God, to turn you back to Him and His purpose for your life.

Rejected for a Purpose Part 3

All Sheilah Vance wanted to do was get her books published. But after numerous rejections from about 10 publishers and 25 literary agents, she decided to self-publish her own books. Considering the rebuff she received from publishers and agents, it is surprising that her first book, Chasing the 400 didn’t mean chasing the 400 publishers. And her second book Land Mines, referred to going through the land mines of divorce, and not the land mines of getting one’s book published.

All she wanted to do was become an author. But thanks to rejection, not only did she become an author she also became a publisher of authors. The rejection she experienced in the publishing industry inspired her to publish others who she knew had something helpful and relevant to say, but had been rebuffed too. She named her publishing company The Elevator Group. And the mission of her company is to help people rise above. Rejection promoted Sheilah Vance from author to publisher.

Usually when she receives a manuscript, because she is very busy and does not want to keep the manuscript’s author waiting for her response, she passes the manuscript to one of her employees for review. That person then determines if the work is something that Vance should look at. However, one day in October of 2009, something different happened.

Vance received a sample of a manuscript that was sent to her about a week earlier. The title of the work piqued her interest so much so that she did not pass it to someone else to review, but decided to read it herself. She fell in love with the manuscript because it encouraged and touched her heart. She wasted no time in replying to the author of the manuscript expressing her interest to publish his work.

The author agreed to her terms, a deal was struck, and his book is going to be published on September 1, 2010. The title of the book is Rejected for a Purpose: How God Uses Rejection to Help You Find and Fulfill Your Destiny. The author of the book is O. J. Toks. That’s how Sheilah Vance got my manuscript. But there’s a bit more to the story.

I had been working on Rejected for a Purpose for about 5 years. Within that time period my manuscript was overlooked by about 26 publishers and 66 literary agents. Using the grace and insight that God gave me in writing the book, I realized that those publishers and agents weren’t the ones appointed to publish the work. I believed that I was soon going to find the right publisher. It happened toward the end of October after I sent part of my manuscript to The Elevator Group.

Because of the rejections I experienced in trying to publish Rejected for a Purpose, I stopped soliciting publishers and agents for a long while between 2008 and 2009. Around the middle of August 2009 my contract was not renewed for a company I worked for. That meant I was out of a job. It also meant I was rejected…again. Immediately I felt that I had to use the time I was out of work, wisely. I was inspired to start seeking agents and publishers again, as new publishing professionals were always emerging. That was how I came across The Elevator Group. On September 1, 2010, the rest will be history in the making.

5 weeks after my previous employer bid me good riddance, they called me back for a special project. So, in retrospect I was rejected for the purpose of completing and sending Rejected for a Purpose to Sheilah Vance. I conclude that the temporary unemployment I experienced was time off for me to look for publishers and agents again. It paid off.

That is pretty much how God uses rejection for us. He uses it not only to help us fulfill our purpose, but help us fulfill it at the right time, and with the right person. Who would have thought that one of the elevators that God uses to help us rise above would be called rejection?