Starting From Scratch Part 2

Last month I discussed how the success or failure of a relationship can be determined from its beginning. If you didn’t get to hear my discussion on the topic (Starting From Scratch Part 1), you can listen and download free, the entire message below.

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However, what happens to the person who had a false start in a relationship, and consequently was scratched from it? What happens to the individual who has been dismissed from a relationship? How can he or she get over the disappointment? Can God turn his or her despair into delight? Can He turn their lowest point into their turning point? The answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

In Part 2 of the message, Starting From Scratch, I focus on answering how a person can move on from the rejection they experienced in a relationship. I also discuss why the rebuff took place in the first place. The entire teaching is in the audio below:

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